T23:23:43+01:00 synology openvpn: NOTE: the current -script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts

T23:23:43+01:00 synology openvpn: WARNING: file '/tmp/ovpn_client_up' is group or others accessible T23:23:42+01:00 synology openvpn: WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory - use the auth-nocache option to prevent this T23:23:42+01:00 synology openvpn: NOTE: the current -script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts T23:23:42+01:00 synology openvpn: WARNING: file '/tmp/ovpn_client_up' is group or others accessible
Mullvad servers password#
Enter my account number in Username, and m in the Password field.Via the web UI, on a freshly installed Synology, go to Control Panel → Network → Network Interface → Create → Create VPN Profile.
Mullvad servers update#
There's lots of howtos out there for this, and I've even (successfully!) followed them in the past to get my VPN setup on my Synology but for some reason, since I reset the box and wiped everything (currently running DSM 6.2.4-25556 Update 2) VPN setup just does not work.